Introducing: TEDxJakartaWomen 2020

Courage should come from the soul within, the poem should light a fire inside us to stay true. Bur more often we crawl away in spite of our truth. In a nebulous period, being brave will only bring us isolation. Unfortunately this is the time that requires courage from bodies that have different abilities, from a toxic workplace environment, and from a place where love is forbidden.

So many times we rely on fear to guide us to safety. We should realize, being fearless does not mean that you are never afraid but a sign that there is something more important than fear.

This year TEDxJakarta is joining the movement of TED Women for the first time to empower women and girls to be creators & change-makers. The session will provide you a newfangled yet viable view and approach towards the issues concerning inequality, inclusivity, and disability that we’re currently facing. TEDxJakartaWomen is a chance to call upon our collective fearlessness and help move the conversation about the power of girls and women in a meaningful way.
Join us and let’s step forward together!
We’re Getting Ready!
Saturday, 21 November 2020
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