Introducing OUR
TEDxJakartaSalon 2023: “Red Tape, Blue Tick.”
The fast movement of hustle culture & tech world, dissected through the government in a system moving foreward, how do we found a common ground in two opposing worlds?
In “Red Tape, Blue Tick”, we’ll seek those answers, cut through the noise, and dissect the role of these tech disruptors on how they reshape the public service and perhaps ultimately, governance.

Our Speakers
This year’s first TEDxJakartaSalon event invites 2 speakers from across disciplines to spark discussions around the idea of “tech industries & governance” dissected through the government in a system moving foreward, how do we found a common ground in two opposing worlds?.

Rangga Husnaprawira
Actualizing brilliant ideas is what our first speaker has been doing at GovTech Edu as the Chief Product Officer.
@ranggahusnaprawira has been working directly with the government and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology to build digital products, as well as guiding the end-to-end development process to ensure that the products developed will have high usability and scalability. Currently, he is leading a team of more than 150 and 5 tribes comprising various teams which includes product management, design, marketing, analytics, research and strategy. This superteam that is spearheaded by Rangga has elped shepherd various digital products in Kemendikbudristek to better the education ecosystem in Indonesia, from teaching, learning to managing. Some of the current products released by GovTech Edu are Merdeka Mengajar, ARKAS, SIPLah, Kampus Merdeka, Rapor Pendidikan and Belajar.id account.
Seasoned digital health leader is an accurate statement to depict our second speaker for TEDxJakarta Salon 2023.
Setiaji is the Chief of Digital Transformation Office (DTO) at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. This title means that his involvement is crucial in the development of PeduliLindungi.
… Yes! That exact application that you used to use everyday to go inside malls or public places back in late 2020 and 2021 Beyond the pandemic, Setiaji and the DTO team has transformed PeduliLindungi into a supercharged citizen health app, namely SATUSEHAT Mobile, where everyone can easily access their personal health records, all vaccination certificates, health diary, vitamin/medicine intake reminder, lab health checks, and more to go.
Date & Location
Are you ready for 2023 #TEDxJakarta Salon “Red Tape, Blue Tick.”?
Friday, 20 October 2023
19.00 – 21.00 WIB
Event Rundown

What to Bring
- ID Card (KTP/SIM/Passport)
- Drinking bottle or tumbler
- Notebook and stationery (if needed)
- Fresh ideas for the discussion 💡
From TED.com:
At a TEDx salon, attendees watch TED Talks, sometimes host a few speakers (though it’s not required) and have informal discussions about the talks they witnessed. Salons re-engage community and team during the time between official TEDx events, and spark discussion on issues of interest to local community.
TEDxJakarta, curating ideas worth spreading since 2009.
We’re Getting Ready!
Friday, 20 October 2023
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