TEDxJakartaLive 2011: The Rediscovery of Wonder

@america, March 12, 2011
Once a year, only the selected and fortunate few in the world experience TED in the US (www.ted.com). TED is a gathering of the world’s smartest minds and leading thinkers where solutions are being discussed to shape our collective future.
This year, TEDxJakarta brings you the TED day experience in the form of a slightly delayed screening of the second day of TED 2011: The Rediscovery of Wonder (http://conferences.ted.com/TED2011) that will also take place in March 2011.
This event will be a screening of never-seen-before videos and not available to public talks from speakers such as Bill Gates and JR. They will be sharing their ideas in the topics of: Deep Mystery, Worlds Imagined, Knowledge Revolution, Radical Collaboration.
About TEDxLive
TEDxLive is an extension of the TEDx program, launched by TED in 2010. TEDxLive events are TEDx events built around the live webcast of TED Conferences. TEDxLive events enable TED enthusiasts all over the world to experience live sessions of the TED Conference; events can be simple viewing events, and may also host live speakers.