Pemilihan besar telah berlangsung, kita telah memilih. Sekarang saatnya kita melanjutkan atau menyusun ulang. Mulut-mulut bergula di episenter bebunyian kini mulai menyingkap taringnya. Bagaimana tidak, siapa yang tidak tergiur legitnya kue kekuasaan?
Sedang di tepi-tepi kekuasaan hanya gema yang terdengar. Semua kembali dengan kesehariannya. Lidah yang tajam beradu kini mulai bermanis manis menyembunyikan pisaunya. Sebagian riang dalam perayaan, sebagian lain meringkuk mengeringkan lukanya.
Semua bebunyian yang ramai membuat kita terlupa untuk mendengarkan suara yang bernas. Mengurai membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga. Tidak ada argumen yang tidak berasal dari keinginan melimpahkan martabat bagi sesamanya.
Amanat mesti terus menerus diuji dan diluruskan. Dan meluruskan mesti tidak kenal lelah.
It’s over, the people have spoken. We must now build out of the debris that we created. At the heart of the throne, jackals snarls baring their fangs. Who can resist savory taste of power?
While the fringes can only hear echoes as it dampen. Bitter words are now buried beneath layers of sweet, sweet, sweet regret. Beyond the festivities, the losers cower licking their wound.
Loud noises has made us overlook the voices we need to listen, we have forgotten the wisdom of the past. There are no ill intentions; what all of us want is to defend the dignity of our comrades.
No rule should escape scrutiny. And scrutinize we must.
When & Where
Saturday, 31 August 2019
Graha Bhakti Budaya, Jakarta
Registration starts at 8.15 am
Doors open at 10 am
Our Speakers

Grace Natalie - Coup de Grâce
Grace Natalie is a chairperson and co-founder of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). This year she competed as a member of the legislature where she received the most votes in her electoral district with 179.949 votes. Grace started her career as a journalist and television host for 8 years, working at various prominent national stations including ANTV, SCTV and TV One. Grace also hosted Apa Kabar Indonesia Malam, a talk show program focused on the latest controversial political and social issues. She believes that participatory politics culture, meritocratic leadership, and an accountable & professionally managed political party are mandatory requirements needed for politicians of today.

Widharmika Agung - Samaritan Matchmaker
Widharmika is a Gemini, and like many Geminis he has many interests and personalities. He was trained as an Industrial Engineer at Bandung Institute of Technology for his undergraduate study, got his Master degree from Kennedy School of Government, but has been spending his entire professional career in the private sector transforming business. He uses his diverse background and network to help build Indorelawan.org, Indonesia’s largest web based volunteer matching network. He believes to solve challenges in today’s world people from various background e.g private, public, and civil society need to work together as one despite all their differences.

Fadly Rahman - Unity In Diversoto
Fadly Rahman works as a historian specializing in food history studies and works as teaching staff in the Department of History and Philology at Padjadjaran University. He has completed his undergraduate education in the History Study Program of Padjadjaran University (2006) and his Masters in the History Study Program at Gadjah Mada University (2014). Fadly has published two books on the culinary of our archipelago, namely Rijsttafel: Budaya Kuliner di Indonesia Masa Kolonial, 1870-1942 (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2011 & 2016) and his most recent book, Jejak Rasa Nusantara: Sejarah Makanan Indonesia (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2016). He has since received several awards related to his writings which discusses Indonesia’s food and culinary issues.

Teater Pandora - Stage Liberators
Teater Pandora is an independent theater that was established in 2014 by the alumni and students of the Universitas Indonesia from various faculties. Breaking away from the label “campus theater” to “independent theater”, Teater Pandora puts forward the spirit of the younger generation to work and dedicate themselves to the advancement of Indonesian performing arts . Throughout their conception, Teater Pandora has conducted several experiments, most recent of which is the #MempermainkanRuang campaign. This campaign is a form of protest against the lack of cultural space – especially theater space – in Indonesia, and in Jakarta in particular. Teater Pandora has one determination: to become a Reactor! that is ready to be blown up to create a more disciplined, educational, innovative and fun theater culture.

Ahmad Arif - Calamity Chronicler
From 2004 to July 2019, Ahmad Arif had written 5,239 articles in Kompas daily and 1,723 of them were related to disasters, ranging from earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods and landslides. In one of his writings, in May 2017 titled “Beware of the Great Earthquake in Sulawesi” he warns us about the potential earthquake in the Palu Koro fault, which was recently hit by an earthquake and tsunami. Currently, Arif is completing a book on disaster culture in Indonesia and Japan, by comparing the social responses of the people of Aceh and Tohoku after the tsunami.

Erik Prasetya - Glimpse Catcher
Erik Prasetya is a pioneer of street photography here in Indonesia. For around 35 years he has worked as a photographer to publish several books. He recorded various moments of the Reformation era 21 years ago, from day to day, from events long before and also up until Suharto’s fall. The series of events in 1998 sharpened his work instincts – Erik’s work is an image that explores the emotions of the city (in this case Jakarta and all its changes) in the public sphere. He records everyday normal happenings but prioritizes the beauty and crudeness of it all, or what he calls, banal aesthetics.

My-Lan Dodd - Rural Defender
Ms. Dodd is an attorney and land tenure specialist. She has a decade of experience at Landesa, an INGO that works to secure land rights for millions of the world’s poorest people, mostly rural women and men, to create opportunity and to promote social justice. Her expertise is in land policy, law, regulatory reform and implementation, fighting and advocating for women’s land rights; gender-responsive land governance; and customary/community land rights.

Farwiza Farhan - Beast Master
Graduated with a master’s degree from the University of Queensland, in 2012 Wiza Co-founded Hutan, Alam, dan Lingkungan Aceh (HAkA) an NGO that empowers local leaders and organizations in policy making to build a sustainable Aceh socially, environmentally, and financially. This Whitley Award Winner works at the Leuser Jungle, home to four gigantic beast–orang utans, elephants, tigers, and rhinos. Speaking for Indonesia from one conference to another, she uses her spare time as a PhD candidate in Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Kenny Santana - Fortune Traveller
For a lot of people, Kenny Santana’s life as seen through his social media account, @kartuposinsta, is to die for. Whether it be circling around the globe, airport hopping, staying at fancy accommodations, or attending concerts, festivals, and other events worldwide. On top of it all, getting paid doing it. He will take us on an immersive journey to the place of myth and philosophy, to the never-before-seen real #KartuPosTrip, only on the TEDxJakarta stage.

Keroncong Musyawarah - Cak Cuk Heroes
Educated in classical music in Yogyakarta doesn’t mean Anton Suryanto, Agung Wibisono, Dwipa H. Pratala, Achdinanti Victoria, Dessy Saptany, and Andika Candra aren’t fluent in traditional music. In 2016, they founded Keroncong Musyawarah, a band that can rock that keroncong.

Announcement from the organizer
Last year, we hosted a paid event for the first time. We received positive feedback from our audience, and we thank you for that.
This year’s registration system will be similar.
This year registration is divided into two phases:
Phase I – Early Bird, with admission fee Rp199.000, available on 29 June 2019 at 10am (GMT +7).
Phase II – Regular, with admission fee Rp419.000, will be available after the early birds are sold out.
However, we do believe that great ideas should be shared unconditionally. We, therefore, are pleased to announce that we are providing scholarships.
Applicants selected for a scholarship will receive 1 (one) ticket to attend TEDxJakarta: Ribut/Reboot.
Deadline for the Scholarship application is 30 June 2019 at 23.59 (GMT+7). It is in your best interest to apply as soon as possible. We may close it earlier if the applications are already full.
See you in August!
The red buttons will be activated on the mentioned schedule.
Pengumuman dari penyelenggara
Tahun lalu, untuk pertama kalinya acara tahunan TEDxJakarta dipungut biaya. Para hadirin menyambut hal ini dengan baik, dan kami berterima kasih atas dukungan semua pihak.
Registrasi tahun ini kami buat serupa, tapi tak sama dengan tahun lalu.
Registrasi tahun ini akan dibagi menjadi dua tahap:
Tahap I – Early Bird, dengan biaya Rp199.000, tersedia mulai 29 Juni 2019 jam 10.00 WIB.
Tahap II – Reguler, dengan biaya Rp419.000, tersedia apabila Early Bird sudah habis.
Bagaimanapun, kami percaya bahwa ide-ide brilian harus digaungkan tanpa syarat. Maka, kami menyediakan beasiswa bagi Anda yang menginginkannya.
Pendaftar yang terpilih sebagai penerima beasiswa akan mendapatkan 1 tiket untuk menghadiri TEDxJakarta: Ribut/Reboot.
Batas waktu pendaftaran beasiswa adalah 30 Juni 2019 pukul 23.59 (GMT+7). Daftarlah sesegera mungkin, karena kami dapat menutupnya lebih awal jika pendaftar sudah penuh.
Sampai jumpa di bulan Agustus!
Tombol merah akan diaktifkan pada jadwal yang disebutkan di atas.